Saturday, December 4, 2021

Employee Turnover


Employee turnover define as the number or percentage of workers who leave an organization and are replaced by new employees. (Mayhew, 2019) Employee turnover is extra cost to the organization and it is serious problem to any organization. 

Causes of High Staff Turnover

·       Lack of progression and growth

In there, most of the employees expect to growth and development opportunities and it is important to them. When the organization has not that opportunity and employees feel it employees decide to look forward to another opportunity.

·       Being Overworked

According to the seasonal changes in hotel sector most of the employees have to do extra responsibilities but employees expect managers hire new employees to over workload Sometimes this will happen to personal lives and they will be found new jobs.

·       Lack of recognition and feedback

When gives the feedbacks to the employees it will support to manage their workload and get the unhelpful feedbacks it will leave the jobs

·       Not encouraging to participate in the decision making

When you are not giving change to get decisions to employees are not motivated and they will think they are not important to the organization and they will leave the job

·       Poor employee selection procedures

The organization needs to hire proper employees to match with the company culture and values but they are not matched with these requirements it will lead to leaving the job.

(Martinelli, 2017)

Effects of Employee Turnover

·       Increase the cost of selection and recruitment process of the organization including advertising cost, interview cost and also the time of the organization

·       Once recruit the new employee organization to have to arrange an orientation programme, training programmes and time also have to allocate daily works of the resource person of these activities

·       Administration costs also increase and the HR department also do many procedures recruiting and the leave of the employee

·       Productivity also decrease and this will affect the overall performance of the organization and also have to recruit a new employee and it will cost the organization

How to Reduce Turnover

When introducing the plan to reduce turnover of the organization HR department has to introduce small steps to this procedure to the organization. Once attention on the reasons and the results this plan will help to overcome them. Steps can be identified as below,

·       Invest employees of the organization

Human resource is very valuable assets to the organization and employees want to feel it and they need to know how they important to the company. When an organization able to arrange some programmes to develop their skills. This will increase the capacity of the workforce and attract new employees also

·       Offer rewards and compensate to the employees

When an organization gives rewards to the effort of employees they feel they are valuable to the organization and this will increase the loyalty of the employees. In here organization can use financial rewards and non-financial rewards both. Money is not only the reason for turnover. Need to treat all the employees fairly and increase the wages based on the proper performance evaluation process. When an organization has good rewards and wages policy it will lead to reducing the turnover of the employees

·       Make sure the company has a proper selection process

When the organization introduce the proper selection process and they have a good section and recruitment policy it will lead to reducing employee turnover.

Need to make sure the right candidates to the organization by using below actions.

ü  Define clear job role (Before advertising the job need to skills for that job. Need to identify clear qualifications to the job. By using clear job role able to select right candidate)

ü  Identify the candidate has skills and knowledge that company needs (By asking questions you can identify more about the candidate need to design questions to understand the candidates)

ü  Need to ensure candidate match with company culture (Within the interview able to identify the values, behaviours and outlook of the employee)

·       Give proper feedback to employees

Provide proper feedback is a very important one and feedback support to improve the performance, improvements, to develop the skills. This will affect the growth of the company.

·       Need to make the sure work-life balance of the employees

Work-life balance is more important and makes sure happy of the employees. As example need to encourage employees to use their break times and also need to ensure manage their workload.

Reference List

Martinelli, K. (2017). Causes of Employee Turnover and Strategies to Reduce... [online] The Hub | High Speed Training. Available at:

Mayhew, R. (2019). Employee Turnover Definitions & Calculations. [online] Available at:



1 comment:

  1. Staff turnover is an important way of measuring the effectiveness of an HRM system and the overall management of an organization.


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